Terms Of Use

These Online Terms of Use apply to your access to websites controlled by Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd, including its subsidiaries and affiliates (collectively, "Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd Group"). Unless stated otherwise, these terms do not apply to third-party websites linked to Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd websites. Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd websites are governed by these Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy.

Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd can change these Online Terms of Use to keep up with technology, legal changes, and good business practices. If we update these terms, we will post the new version and update the effective date at the top. We will also notify you of these changes.


You acknowledge and agree that:

  1. We try to provide the latest information about our products and services on Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd websites, but we cannot guarantee its accuracy, effectiveness, or suitability. You are responsible for how you use our websites and any risks involved. The information is provided "AS IS" and may contain errors. We can change the information on our websites at any time without notice.

  2. Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd makes no guarantees about the information or content on our websites. We disclaim all warranties, whether express or implied, including warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, or non-infringement. We are not liable for any damages from using our websites, including direct, indirect, special, consequential, or incidental damages, even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

  3. Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd is not responsible for and does not guarantee the accuracy, effectiveness, timeliness, or suitability of information from third parties, including links to or from third-party sites. We do not control or endorse third-party content on bulletin boards, chat rooms, or forums on our websites. Consider such information as unverified.


You understand, acknowledge, and agree to the following:

  1. When using Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd websites, you agree not to disrupt or intercept our electronic information or servers. You also agree not to try to bypass our security features and to follow all relevant laws.

  2. Unless explicitly agreed upon in advance by Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd, no confidential relationship is established if a user communicates any information (such as feedback, questions, or comments) to us through any means. We will handle personal information according to our Privacy Policy if we request personal information. Otherwise, such communication and information are considered non-confidential, and we may use it freely for various purposes, including product development and research. The sender is responsible for the content's accuracy and legality.


The information, documents, and graphics on Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd websites are owned by Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd, except for content from third-party providers. You can use this information for non-commercial or personal use if you keep the copyright notice intact, don't modify the content, and use graphics with accompanying text. Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd is not responsible for third-party content, and you can't distribute it without permission. You can't use Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd trademarks or trade names without written authorization, except to identify their products or services.


Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd values your privacy and has measures in place to protect your personally identifiable information online. By using our websites, you agree to our Privacy Policy.

While we strive to prevent unauthorized access to your information, we cannot guarantee absolute security. In the unlikely event of interception or unauthorized access despite our efforts, Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd is not liable for any resulting damages, including lost profits. We do not guarantee that customer information will be free from interception or unauthorized access and do not provide implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Customers are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of their passwords.


Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd is not liable for the materials, information, or opinions on our websites. Your reliance on them is at your own risk, and we disclaim any liability for any injuries or damages resulting from using our websites or their content.

Our websites, content, products, and services are provided "as is" and "as available," and Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd and its vendors, directors, employees, or agents are not liable for any damages under any legal theory. This includes special, indirect, punitive, incidental, exemplary, or consequential damages, such as personal injury, lost profits, or damages from interruptions, viruses, or errors, whether there was negligence by Encompass Industries Sdn Bhd.

You agree that you cannot file a claim related to our websites or these terms more than one year after the claim arose.

Note that additional legal notices, disclaimers, and terms may apply to our websites.


You agree that these Online Terms of Use and the Privacy Policy describe the entire agreement between us concerning its subject matter. If a court of competent jurisdiction finds that any provision of these Online Terms of Use is invalid or unenforceable, you agree that the other provisions of these Online Terms of Use will remain in full force and effect.